Against colonialism, racism and the far-right
On the occasion of the tragic anniversary, this 12 October, of the beginning of the colonisation of Latin America/Abya Yala, various far-right parties will celebrate in Madrid what they are calling the “Iberosphere Summit”.
They intend to meet on 10 and 11 October —shamefully at the European Parliament premises in Madrid— to celebrate, in their own words: “the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, under the auspices and command of the Catholic monarchs, in what is a miraculous continuation overseas of the Christian Reconquest.”
There is no space here for all the condemnation deserved by the process of genocide, robbery and brutal exploitation that followed that incursion. A tragedy both for the continent that was “discovered” (to the surprise of the millions of people who had lived there for thousands of years) and for the African continent, which would later be decimated by the genocide of the slave trade. Nor should we forget that colonialism would end up devastating not only all of America, but the whole of Africa and a large part of Asia: always with disastrous results.
Here we want to denounce those sectors that celebrate today that colonialism and those genocides, which cost so many millions of human lives.
Let us be clear that they do not celebrate them for historical reasons, but to justify the continuation today of those colonial and authoritarian, racist and sexist policies; in Europe, in Latin America and in the rest of the world.
Their “summit” brings together representatives of the politics of hate from both sides of the Atlantic. They include a collaborator of Bolsonaro in Brazil and a Pinochet fan from Chile; the Polish ultra-Catholic “Law and Justice” party, the fascists of Fratelli d’Italia, and the far-right VOX themselves. One asumes that lurking in the background is Steve Bannon, the Trumpist friend of VOX who is trying to establish himself as a promoter of the global far-right, and who is currently being tried in connection with the fascist assault on the US Capitol.
As diverse movements that reject everything that this far-right alliance represents, we call for a united struggle against them. We must fight them, wherever they appear, and however they present themselves, from open neo-fascists to supposed defenders of democracy and civilisation.
The undersigned organisations and individuals declare that:
• The advance of the far-right —and sometimes fully-fledged fascism and neo-Nazism— poses a serious threat to the well-being, even the survival, of our peoples, as well as to our freedoms and rights.
• Democracy, social justice and freedom of expression are essential elements for the proper functioning of our societies, and therefore must be especially protected against those who are trying to undermine them.
• The defence of our freedoms is a task not only for political or institutional circles, but above all for civil society; for the various movements and organisations in which the majority of the population organise ourselves.
• The future of the world must be based on respect for democracy, human rights, pluralism, human dignity, peace and justice, for which the undersigned express our commitment to work together in defence of these values and principles.
Unitat contra el feixisme i el racisme
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